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The Hidden Side of the Recruiting Process: What Employers Really Look For

The funny thing about the recruiting process is that if you read job ads, you’d think that employers are strictly looking for people with very specific types of experience. Job ads often feature long lists of bullet points with essential requirements like years of experience with certain tools and obscure industry certifications. 

Once you get to a job interview, though, the whole picture changes. Employers seek qualities in their new hires that are never listed in the job ad. They want to meet people who are self-directed and responsible. You will bring out those qualities through your answers to the job interview questions and also through the questions you ask your interviewer. 

The stories you tell during a job interview will bring out your sterling qualities too. You don’t have to talk about your best traits directly; they will shine through if you let them.

Here are 12 qualities employers look for in their new hires:

 Understand Their Own Path

You have a path that you’ve followed since you were born. Can you tell your story in such a way that you make it clear how you’ve followed an interest or passion to get to the place you stand now? Can you talk about your path going forward?

 Know What They Want in Their Career

Employers look for self-directed new hires who know what they want and are willing to work for it. For example, a new grad might say, “I’m interested in starting my own company someday but expect that to happen some years from now. In the meantime, I want to learn all I can about how a business works.” The right managers will appreciate that ambition and goal orientation.

 Know Their Strengths

Employers are looking for people who know what they’re good at. Instead of saying, “I’m really good at Excel,” you can say, “I love Excel and enjoy teaching others the finer points, like creating nested reports and macros.”

 Think Independently

Strong managers want to hire people who have their own ideas. In every job interview, take the opportunity to share an opinion rather than a cookie-cutter, standard answer. Managers need smart people around to brainstorm with—why shouldn’t that smart person be you?

 Like to Problem-Solve

You’ve solved big problems in your life—everyone has. Tell a story about a problem you solved, maybe by finding a better way to organize something or improving a process. In the best job interviews, your manager will see your brain working, and you’ll see theirs working too.

 Have Ambition

Having ambition means striving to get smarter and stronger throughout your life. It could mean moving up the corporate ladder, starting your own business, or trying something completely new. Good employers look for people with ambition.

 Are Proactive

Proactive employees don’t wait to be told what to do; they jump into action when they see a way to help. One way to illustrate this quality is to ask questions about the work you’ll be performing in the job. Ask questions that show you’ve been thinking about the job description—your new manager will appreciate it.

 Are Happy to Learn New Things

Managers want to hire people who like to learn. If you read in your spare time or take online courses, say so. Show that you are enthusiastic about learning and adapting.

 Are Goal-Oriented

If you like to set goals and hit them, make that clear in your job interview. Talk about how you set and achieved a goal, whether personal or professional.

 Work Well on a Team

Teamwork is critical for any role. Be ready to share a story about a situation that required teamwork and in which your team succeeded.

 Are Responsible

Employers want to hire people who take responsibility for themselves and their situations. Discuss the responsibilities you’ve taken on in your working life and outside. Non-business experiences, like being a river-rafting guide or a nanny, often show our character most of all.

In summary, while job ads focus on specific skills and experience, interviews reveal a deeper layer of qualities that employers value. Understanding and showcasing these attributes can set you apart in the recruiting process.

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