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DEADLINE: 02/05/2024

33 Positions at Kagadi District


Applicants are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts that exist at Kagadi District Local Government.

Applications in triplicate on PSC Form 3(2008) revised with three most recent coloured passport photographs should be submitted to:

The secretary, District Service Commission, P.O. Box 39 Kagadi, not later than Thursday 2 May, 2024 before 5.00pm. Application forms are obtainable from all District service commission offices or Public Service Commission Office, Kampala. Certified copies of all Academic documents, academic IDs, National ID and Curriculum vitae must be attached. Serving officers who wish to apply should route their applications through their Responsible officers who should be informed of the deadline. Any form of malpractice will lead to automatic disqualification. Kagadi District local government gives an equal opportunities to all employers in Uganda.

NOTE: 1. Registration certificates, professional certificates and valid practicing licenses (where applicable) should also be attached. PWD are encouraged to apply.

2. Day time telephone contact/email should be clearly indicated.

3. Details of job description and personal specifications can be accessed at the Notice Board of Kagadi District Headquarters or at the secretariat of any District Service Commission or Public Service website

Department Post/Title Salary scale Reference Number Vacancies







Parish Chief U7L KDGSC 01/2024 05
Drivers U8 KGDSC 02/2024 02
Office Attendant U8 KGDSC 03/2024 02
Office Typist U7L KGDSC 04/2024 01
Education Assistant II U7U KDGSC 05/2024 16
Works /Water Assistant Engineer

Officer (Water)

U7(Sc) KGDSC 06/2024 01
Health Enrolled Nurse U7(Sc) KGDSC 07/2024 02
Enrolled Midwife U7(Sc) KGDSC 08/2024 02
Psychiatric Nurse U7(Sc) KGDSC 09/2024 01
Askari U8 KGDSC 10/2024 01
govt new - Jobs in Uganda


Industry: LOCAL GOV'T
Location: Uganda
A district in western Uganda

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