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DEADLINE: 25/03/2024

Accounts Assistant (1) & Volunteers (11)


JOB TITLE: Accounts Assistant

Reporting to: Finance & Administration Head of unit, Project Team Leader

Job Duty Station: Fort Portal Tourism City

Contract Length: One year ( Renewable annually based on performance)

Scale: A10

Basic Salary Amount per month: 1,387,693 UGX

Terms: Full time

Start Date: 1st April 2024

Job description

Under the guidance of the Finance and Administration Head of Unit, the Accounts Assistant will prepare
requisitions, payment vouchers, prepare financial reports, posting transactions in relevant quick books and reconcile administration payable on time
Qualifications & Requirements:
1. Bachelors Degree Business Administration, Finance and Accounting from a recognized and a reputable
training institution
2. Minimum of 3 years of the relevant work experience, preferably with National NGOs and good understanding of the major donor’s financial requirements and conditions
3. Must have excellent skills in accounts
4. Good skills in excel and quick books transactions
5. Good skills in financial report writing and presentation
Specific Job Roles
1. Prepare requisitions and payment vouchers and ensure they are full supported
2. Prepare payment lists
3. Properly fill the vouchers for the project on time
4. Review accountabilities from field staff
5. Draft projects’ financial reports
6. Prepare requisition for projects and ensure they are fully supported with necessary documentation
7. Post administration transactions in quick books
8. Reconcile and pay central administration payable on time
9. Pluck signed off payment vouchers for serially fitting in time
10. Any others assignments given by the Head of Finance and Administration Unit
Planning and Reporting
11. Develop, quarterly, monthly and weekly and activity plan
12. Document the programs, activity, monthly and quarterly reports
13. Submit monthly staff reports
14. Submit monthly articles

JOB TITLE: Be There Volunteers

Number of Positions: 2

Reporting to: Be There Project Offiicer

Duty Station: RhinoCamp Refugee Settlement, West Nile

Contract Length: One year (Renewable annually based on performance)

Monthly Facilitation fee: 300,000 UGX

Start Date: 1st April 2024

Job Description:
The Be There Translator will plan (together with the BeThere Facilitator, mobilize adolescents for sessions, and translate sessions into local language in line with the methodology quality standards. The translator is a volunteer and is part of the protection project team. The Be There Translator will report to the BeThere Project Officer and does not manage staff. The translator will support in assessing, making referrals and follow-ups of adolescents requiring other support.

Qualifications and Experience
1. An O-level certificate or equivalent is required
2. Must be able to travel to the places in zones/transit centers/collection centers where BeThere sessions will be conducted.
3. Must be child friendly and act in the best interest of the child as well as have a volunteer spirit.
4. With 21 years or older
Additional Requirements
5. A certificate in sport or social work is a plus
6. First Aid certificate is a plus
7. Experience in MHPSS and/or Child Protection is an added value
8. Volunteer experience is an added value

Skills and Competencies
1. S/he must be a resident of the Settlement
2. Ability to speak the common refugee languages of West Nile/North (Madi, Kakwa, Arabic, Dinka, Aringa and Acholi)
3. Ability to understand, speak and translate from English to local Language and vice versa.
4. Have experience and joy working with caregivers and young adolescents in difficult environments.
5. Passionate about helping people experiencing emotional difficulties.
6. Great at communicating information in simple, interesting and creative ways.
7. Competent using Basic Helping Skills.
8. Have lots of energy to support groups of adolescents.
9. Has been deemed safe to work with young people in line with the Minimum standards for child protection in humanitarian action
10. Understanding of safeguarding and have a clean criminal record
Specific Job Roles
1. Support in the identification and enrolment of beneficiaries for the targeted interventions, in line with the beneficiary identification criteria.
2. Mobilize beneficiaries to attend weekly sessions.
3. Prepare venues for sessions
4. Translate session content to local language during sessions
5. Follow-up cases of beneficiaries referred to other service providers for additional support.
6. Support facilitator/project officer to rollout sessions; where he/she is unavailable during planned sessions.
7. Support in collection of data and feedback from beneficiaries
8. Ensures that safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to.
9. Perform any other duties as assigned by the partner.

JOB TITLE: EASE Volunteers

Number of Positions: 2

Reporting to: EASE Project Offiicer

Duty Station: RhinoCamp Refugee Settlement, West Nile

Contract Length: One year (Renewable annually based on performance)

Monthly Facilitation fee: 300,000 UGX

Start Date: 1st April 2024

Job Description:
The EASE Translator will plan (together with the EASE Facilitator), mobilize adolescents for sessions, and translate sessions into local language in line with the methodology quality standards. The translator will support in assessing, referral and follow-up of adolescents requiring other support. The translator is a volunteer and part of the protection project team. S/he reports to the EASE Facilitator/officer or counsellor and does not manage staff.

Qualifications and Experience:
1. Must be able to travel to the places in zones/transit centers/collection centers where EASE sessions will be conducted.
2. An O-level certificate or equivalent is required
3. Must be child friendly and act in the best interest of the child as well as have a volunteer spirit.
4. With 21 years or older
Additional requirements
5. A certificate in sport or social work is a plus
6. First Aid certificate is a plus
7. Affinity with children
8. Experience in MHPSS and/or Child Protection in an added value
9. Volunteer experience is an added value
Specific Job Roles
1. Support in the identification and enrolment of beneficiaries for the targeted interventions, in line with the beneficiary identification criteria.
2. Mobilize beneficiaries to attend weekly sessions.
3. Prepare venues for sessions
4. Translating session content to local language, during sessions
5. Follow-up cases of beneficiaries referred to other service providers for additional support.
6. Support facilitator/project officer/counselor to rollout sessions; where he/she is unavailable during planned sessions.
7. Support in collection of data and feedback from beneficiaries
8. Ensures that safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to.
9. Perform any other duties as assigned by the partner.

JOB TITLE: Team Up Volunteers

Number of Positions: 5

Reporting to: Child Protection Officer, Mental Health Counselor

Duty Station: RhinoCamp Refugee Settlement, West Nile

Contract Length: One year (Renewable annually based on performance)

Monthly Facilitation fee: 300,000 UGX

Start Date: 1st April 2024

ob Description:
To plan, facilitate and assess active Team Up sessions for children according the methodology quality standards. The facilitator will also assess, refer and follow-up of children requiring more Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). The Facilitator is a volunteer and part of the protection project team. S/he reports to the Social Worker and does not manage staff.

Qualifications and Experience:
1. Must be able to travel to the places in zones/transit centers/collection centers where Team Up will be implemented.
2. An O-level certificate or equivalent is required
3. Must be child friendly and act in the best interest of the child as well as have a volunteer spirit.
4. With 21 years or older
Additional requirements
1. A certificate in sport or social work is a plus
2. First Aid certificate is a plus
3. Experience in MHPSS and Child Protection in an added value
4. Volunteer experience is an added value
5. Recommendation letter from LC 1
Specific Job Roles
6. Prepares, facilitates and assesses weekly Team Up sessions with different groups of children
7. Ensures the sessions are conducted in line with the methodology quality standards.
8. Develops weekly plans of TeamUp sessions
9. Supports in collection of data and lessons learnt through implementation.
10. Ensures attendance/participation is recorded and tracked using relevant tools.
11. Collects feedback from children on the activities on request from supervisor
12. Works closely together with project staff and collaborates in a constructive way with leaders in zones/transit/collection centers.
13. Ensures that child safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to
14. Identifies and refers children needing additional support EASE or other support services

Skills and competencies:

  • Good social and communication skills
  • Demonstrable experience in working with large and small groups of children
  • Planning, implementation and time management skills
  • Experience in planning, conducting and implementing structured recreational activities for children (dance, sport and games)
  • Energetic, with can-do attitude and ability to respond quickly to any situation.
  • Flexibility and ability to maintain a clear overview and capable of facilitating activities in a child friendly manner.
  • Ability to work independently, you possess excellent communication skills
  • Should be full time available throughout working days.
  • Stability and a sustained commitment is vital to this group of vulnerable children
  • Ability to speak the common refugee languages (Madi, Kakwa, Arabic, Dinka, Aringa and Acholi)
  • Ability to understand, speak and write English
  • Understanding of Child Safety and have a clean criminal record
  • Mobilize/notify clients that may be in need of counseling
  • Prepare venues/spaces for counselling sessions
  • Must be able to travel to places in zones/transit centers/collection centers/WGSS where counselling sessions will be conducted
  • Translate into local language during counselling sessions
  • Support in collection of data and feedback from beneficiaries
  • Ensures that safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the partner.

JOB TITLE: GB Volunteers

Number of Positions: 2

Reporting to: C/P/GBV Officer

Duty Station: RhinoCamp Refugee Settlement, West Nile

Contract Length: One year (Renewable annually based on performance)

Monthly Facilitation fee: 300,000 UGX

Start Date: 1st April 2024

Job Description:
The officer will plan (together with the GVB officer), mobilize adolescents for sessions, and translate sessions into local language in line with the methodology quality standards. The translator will support in assessing, referral and follow-up of adolescents requiring other support. The translator is a volunteer and part of the protection project team. S/he reports to the GVB officer or counsellor and does not manage staff.

Qualifications and Experience:
1. Must be able to travel to the places in zones/transit centers/collection centers where EASE sessions will be conducted.
2. An O-level certificate or equivalent is required
3. Must be child friendly and act in the best interest of the child as well as have a volunteer spirit.
4. With 21 years or older

Additional requirements
5. A certificate in sport or social work is a plus
6. First Aid certificate is a plus
7. Affinity with children
8. Experience in MHPSS and/or Child Protection in an added value
9. Volunteer experience is an added value
10. LC 1 recommendation Letter

Specific Job Roles
1. Support in the identification and enrolment of beneficiaries for the targeted interventions, in line with the beneficiary identification criteria.
2. Mobilize beneficiaries to attend weekly sessions.
3. Prepare venues for sessions
4. Translating session content to local language, during sessions
5. Follow-up cases of beneficiaries referred to other service providers for additional support.
6. Support facilitator/project officer/counselor to rollout sessions; where he/she is unavailable during planned sessions.
7. Support in collection of data and feedback from beneficiaries
8. Ensures that safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to.
9. Perform any other duties as assigned by the partner.

Application set will include the following;

  • A complete and signed application letter
  • A curriculum Vitae / Resume
  • Copies of academic Transcripts
  • Copies of National ID
  • Names, contact numbers and addresses of three (3) professional references
  • Closing Date: Sunday 25th March 2024 at 5:00pm

Applications in Hard copies should be submitted to any of the following addresses;

  1. KRC Uganda Rhino Camp Contact Office: OPM Office; Contact Racheal
    Inyogu 0782033570/0756495340
  2. KRC Uganda, Yumbe Office: Contact Francis Opio 0773742208, Former NRC
    office, Next to the main Market, Yumbe Town
  3. KRC Uganda, Fort Portal Office, Plot 28, Mugurusi Road, HR 0782640552

Applications in soft copy should be submitted via Email address:

KRC2 - Jobs in Uganda


Industry: NGO
Location: KABAROLE
Kabarole Research and Resource Centre-Uganda (KRC-Uganda) is a well-established NGO operating countrywide in different regions of Uganda. Founded in 1996, with a research mission and a long-term commitment to understanding the measures and drivers of poverty and its solutions, KRC-Uganda has accumulated substantial experience in research and created numerous development programs based on community analyses of the activities which would be most helpful in achieving sustainable and equitable socio-economic development.

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