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Child Sponsorship Systems Officer



To Effectively Coordinate and Provide Technical support Cluster Community Engagement and Sponsorship Operations within partnership standards for the wellbeing of children.


30% Management of Child Sponsorship Systems

  • Manage Sponsorship systems both Technical and Business processes within partnership guidelines.
  • Carry out timely system upgrades, maintenance and provide timely feedback on Child Sponsorship systems requested by NO and GC/SOs.
  • Support Staff and partners on utilization of the horizon mobile phone and any other new gadgets.
  • Support the Cluster/ AP with IT related issues (Cluster IT Focal Persons)
  • Carry out system data quality validation and update for accuracy & timeliness (RC Bio data, monitoring field, and participation).
  • Support staff &COVAs to transfer data from the phones and upload  into Sponsorship systems.
  • Functional Cluster Sponsorship Systems and Phones   to do Sponsorship Field Operations
  • Staff and Volunteers demonstrate capacity to use the Sponsorship systems.
  • All cluster IT related issues identified and reported in time for management action.
  • Valid, accurate and timely   data in Horizon system

30% Coordination of Child Sponsorship operations within Partnership standards  

  • Timely update of quality child data and SO communications (queries, GN, mails, child monitoring, and participation) into Child Sponsorship systems. (100% data entered for all RCs).
  • Generate and analyze periodical correspondence and child wellbeing reports, identity gaps and risks and share with management.
  • Manage cluster RC Budgets and supplies in line with SO and GC agreements (New growth, RC Death, Drops, Holds)
  • Analyze Management reports, child correspondence and child Information reports   and guide the Programme/ cluster team case management and effective sponsorship operations
  • Coordinate planning , implementation and  completion of annual correspondence  (APRs , CUPs, CEWs , Christmas Cards).
  • Conduct quality reviews of all the sponsorship correspondences, Child and community medias
  • Build capacity of Staff and Volunteers in child sponsorship operations.
  • Coach and Mentor staff and Volunteers in Sponsorship operations and Child engagements
  • Work with the AP-coordinator and TPOs to develop and operationalize annual integrated monitoring plan.
  • Work with the  AP Coordinators to develop annual child participation Change Statements and update date them in Hope
  • Effectively track and guide APs on  RC and family Participation in  line with the sponsorship standards
  • Support SOOs in Community engagement and sensitizations on Sponsorship model and approaches
  • Participate in the AP DPA processes and guide to accommodate the Sponsorship requirements and child engagements
  • 95% of the SOIs implemented within partnership standard  every month
  • Quality child wellbeing report generated every 15th shared and reflected on with AP team.
  • 102% RC budget supply   Maintained.
  • Weekly Case management status and follow through actions shared with Management.
  • 100% completion of annual seasonal correspondences (APRs, CUPs, CEWs, Christmas Cards).
  • 100% SOIs and Rich media contents reviewed for quality and   timely submissions
  • 100% Cluster Staff and Volunteers equipped with skills and competences to deliver Sponsorship.
  • Minimum of three unique participation change statements updated in hope for every RC .
  • RC participation tracked, updated and reflected on within the cluster/AP as per the monitoring plan.

5% Manage Communication and Sponsor Relations within partnership standards

  • Receive and process the all-child Sponsor communications from SO, GC, National Office, Field   and ensure they are either processed ,  scanned or posted
  • Update appropriate correspondence action routes in Hope
  • Correspond with Support office and National Office in compliance with sponsorship standards
  • Adopt, Develop, monitor, and implement the established checks and controls for sponsor information in line with the child sponsorship standards
  • Monitor and advise staff and volunteers on Child Sponsorship communications from Cluster to NO/SOs.
  • Expeditiously monitor and follow up on all Sponsorship communications from NO, RO and SOs to the allocated APs with the SOO and AP Coordinators.
  • Manage Sponsor visits to their sponsored children within the cluster/AP in line with child Sponsorship standards. (Organize all logistic needs at cluster/AP).
  • Attend to Sponsors and follow up on child and adult safe guarding issues.
  • Document and report Programme key findings from sponsor visits, recommendations and opportunities
  • 100% responses of all communications to sponsors, GCs and SOs within partnership standards.
  • 100% Safeguarded sponsor information and systems from unauthorized access all incoming correspondences checked for sponsor information, sponsorship office and gadgets accessed by authorized staff/ partner)
  • Timely and Excellent communications between NO/RO/SO and Clusters.
  • Sponsor Visits coordinated and managed at the cluster within the Sponsorship and Protection standards.
  • Sponsor visits engagement reports submitted per set standard.

15% Management of Sponsorship Initiatives (Sponsorship 2.0, Digital correspondence, storyteller, LEAP Frog contents, Chosen,) in line with the partnership guidelines and timeframes.

  • Roll out approved Sponsorship Initiatives as per NO plan and guidance.
  • Effectively manage implementation of initiative(s) as per plan and report on progress, recommendations within partnership guidelines.
  • Train, coach and mentor staff and partners on the initiative and follow-up on utilization of the initiative.
  • Follow up with staff and Partners to ensure 100% roll out and adoption of Initiatives
  • Sponsorship 2.0 Child and Community contents, Digital Story Teller, LEAP-Frog, Chosen delivered with quality within planned timeframes.
  • Staff and Volunteers Capacity development in new initiatives increased (Capacity needs assessment for COVAS and SOOs conducted and documented on a quarterly basis)
  • All materials used for RC participation and engagement and tracked for usability.


10% CESP Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability

  • Review and Support designing and targeting of the AP CESP plan- DIP, Log frames and budgets
  • Support AP implementation and provide monthly CESP implementation update reports and actions for better execution.
  • Support sponsorship DPA community engagement and establishment of CESP structures and engagement of partners.
  • Provide CESP semi-annual and annual quality review of reports.
  • Consolidate and submit quality monthly, quarterly & annual Performance reports for appropriate actions.
  • Collaborate with MEAL to assess the progress of CESP implementation and budget utilization periodically and take appropriate actions.
  • Support AP Transition processes and communications including Farewell letter, Project closure comment, Community Farewell Video, Community Farewell Photos
  • Participate in AP evaluations and Baseline surveys
  • Participate in the Sponsorship Feasibility and Risk assessments within the Assigned cluster/AP.


CESP design, monitoring and implemented report review and recommendation reports

Quality AP CESP plan (DIP, Log frames and budgets) submitted on time.

Monthly quality CESP implementation status reports submitted.

Cluster Risks Inventory updated every quarter

Established structures and systems for the new Aps to accommodate Sponsorship processes effectively.

Cluster/AP Performance effectively monitored and adequately supported.


10% Child and Adult Safe Guarding

  • Ensure all RCs have a signed consent form on file.
  • Ensure all Correspondences and communications are reviewed for child protection
  • Ensure all Sponsor Visits adhere to the child safeguarding policies and behavior protocols
  • Facilitate Sponsor Visits within the Clusters
  • Review all the Videos , photos & Correspondences  being sent to NO, SOs and GC to ensure they meet sponsorship child protection requirements .
  • Monitor the wellbeing and child abuse cases of children and report any violations in accordance with the child and adult safe guarding policy and guidelines
  • Work with Child Protection Officer to ensure child and adult safe guarding compliance standards at the cluster/AP.
  • All RCs have signed guardian/parent consent forms on file.
  • 100% of all communications are adhere to the protection and behavior protocols
  • Signed Behavior protocols are signed and filed
  • All sponsorship Media checked for violations of child and adult safe guarding policy and dignity.
  • RC Case management and violation of child & adult safe guarding policy cases addressed periodically.
  • Staff and partners demonstrate understanding and comply to child and adult safe guarding policy.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

List education, knowledge & skills, licenses preferred, and all experiences required to perform this position in a fully competent manner.

Minimum education, training and experience requirements to qualify for the position:

A University Degree information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems and Statistics or any other related field.

3 years Experiences and knowledge in data entries, analysis and data base management are added advantage

  • Computer literate
  • Must be a committed Christian

License, registration, or certification required to perform this position:



3 years Experiences and knowledge in data entries, analysis, Presentation and data base management are added advantage

Applicant Types Accepted:

Local Applicants Only


WORLD VISION - Jobs in Uganda


Industry: NGO
Location: BUIKWE
With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith.

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