DEADLINE: 30/04/2024
Madhvani University Scholarships
Uganda’s largest private sector Education Trust, The Muljibbhai Madhvani Foundation, has made Seven Hundred Fifty Million Uganda Shillings (Ushs 750,000,000/=) worth of University scholarships for the year 2024-2025 available to gifted but financially challenged Ugandans studying both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in the disciplines of Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Engineering, Food Science & Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Architecture, Veterinary Medicine, Actuarial Science, Environmental Studies and Human Medicine.
Undergraduate Applicants:
Must be Ugandan citizens who have completed their first year of University study with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of not less than 3.0, with no exam retakes done in year one.
Postgraduate Applicants:
Must be Ugandan citizens and hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and be either admitted to or be registered for a post graduate programme.
How to Apply:
Download and print the form free from the website.
Submit the completed application form to;
Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, C/o East African Distributors
Limited, Plot 96-98 Business Park, 5ª Street Industrial Area.
Kampala, Uganda.
Or Post to:
The Secretary, Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, P.O.Box 6361, Kampala, Uganda.
- No payment should be made by the applicant at any stage of the application process
- The application should reach the secretary not later than 30th April 2024
- Any application received after the closure date will be rejected