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DEADLINE: 30/04/2024

Madhvani University Scholarships


Uganda’s largest private sector Education Trust, The Muljibbhai Madhvani Foundation, has made Seven Hundred Fifty Million Uganda Shillings (Ushs 750,000,000/=) worth of University scholarships for the year 2024-2025 available to gifted but financially challenged Ugandans studying both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in the disciplines of Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Engineering, Food Science & Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Architecture, Veterinary Medicine, Actuarial Science, Environmental Studies and Human Medicine.

Undergraduate Applicants:

Must be Ugandan citizens who have completed their first year of University study with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of not less than 3.0, with no exam retakes done in year one.

Postgraduate Applicants:

Must be Ugandan citizens and hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and be either admitted to or be registered for a post graduate programme.

How to Apply:

Download and print the form free from the website.

Submit the completed application form to;

Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, C/o East African Distributors

Limited, Plot 96-98 Business Park, 5ª Street Industrial Area.

Kampala, Uganda.

Or Post to:

The Secretary, Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, P.O.Box 6361, Kampala, Uganda.


  1. No payment should be made by the applicant at any stage of the application process
  2. The application should reach the secretary not later than 30th April 2024
  3. Any application received after the closure date will be rejected
MADHVANI - Jobs in Uganda


Location: KAMPALA
Uganda's largest private sector Education Trust

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